- David Copperfield (Cinemax Monday at 11:30 a.m.)...
- Chinese Authorities OK Trip to U.S. for Dissident Journalist
- Not 'The Waltons': The Ugly Realities of Holiday Togetherness : Christmas: There is another tradition, far less discussed. It's the season's ugly underbelly, the flip side of 'Joy to the World.'
- Pomona President to Serve on College Board
- 'Singing Detective's' Encore
- With Support Eroding, Aircraft Firms Wing It : Industry: U.S. aviation builders' world leadership is slipping. At fault may be emphasis on space program.
- Suspect Wins Acquittal in Rabbi Slaying : Trial: Man convicted on weapon, assault charges. Meir Kahane, Jewish Defense League founder, was shot in New York.
- Azusa Pacific Names Liaison With Churches
- State OKs Funds for Reinforcing 5 Freeway Bridges
- Corporal's Widow Plans Melancholy Journey to Kuwait : Survivors: Carol Bentzlin is scheduled to arrive on what would have been her second wedding anniversary, had the Gulf War not changed her life.
- State Investigators' Layoffs Delayed : Beverage control: Pink slips for 10 of 13 alcohol-agency employees who monitor O.C. bars and liquor stores have been put off till January.
- U.N. Members Agree on No-Growth Budget
- 160,000 Students Start Winter Break Monday
- BASKETBALL ROUNDUP : Santa Margarita Stops Comeback by Arroyo Grande
- Special Leader Comes Back to Win
- Great Moves Easier for Him on Court
- Matadors No Match for Titans : College basketball: Fullerton plays its best game of season in 82-61 victory over Northridge.
- Pepperdine Finds Consolation in Victory : College basketball: Waves beat Southwest Texas State, 59-37, in third-place game of Alabama Birmingham tournament.
- "IN NATALI DOMINI." Niederaltaicher Scholaren, conducted by...
- 'Indian Circus' Comes to Town : An exhibit by photojournalist Mary Ellen Mark shows the innocence that survives amid grimmer aspects of life in the Asian nation
- * Joyce Furlough has been appointed director...
- CPC Picks New Chief Financial Officer
- STATION MASTER : From Thai-Dyed Chicken to Atomic Shrimp, Torrance's Depot Is on the Right Track
- Have a Merry Littler Christmas
- Against the Grain: Healthy Christmas Cookies
- Making Room for Displaced Wildlife Spells End for Mobile Delta Cabins : Environment: Federal government buys up leases, causing unhappiness among those who enjoy escaping to beauty of swampland.
- Audit Could Cost Schools $70 Million for Desegregation : Education: Report cites faulty records as a reason to deny repayment. The district may even owe the state $9 million.
- Citizens Panel May Rise From Ashes of Disney Project : Planning: Disney Citizen Advisory Committee is urged to continue its efforts to develop the waterfront area.
- In-Home Counseling Finds Place in O.C. Households : Social work: Helpers teach by example in the kitchens and family rooms of troubled parents.
- Concerns Arise Over Sales of Stolen Pets
- NHL ROUNDUP : Mogilny Equals Fast-Goal Mark
- Let Us Know When They Have Won Two or Three Titles
- USC Gets the Upset on a Miner Miracle : College basketball: Cooper finds teammate with time running out as Trojans top No. 4 Buckeyes in overtime, 79-77.
- The 10 Best Films of Their Year--Three Views
- * Lucie H. Moore is now a...
- Smart as You Wanna Be : Can Vitamins, Amino Acids and Prescription Drugs Really Make You More Intelligent?
- The Gunrunners of the Gulf : THE DEATH LOBBY: How the West Armed Iraq, <i> By Kenneth R. Timmerman</i> (<i> Houghton Mifflin</i> : <i> $21.95; 356 pp.)</i>
- STREET TALK: How to Speak and Understand...
- The Good-Guyness of Grain
- Cities Offer Recycling of Trees
- Views on the New Alliance
- Students, Police Clash in Cambodia : Protest: Violence is aimed at alleged government corruption. Khmer Rouge leaders delay return to capital.
- In Damascus, Plenty of History--Few Visitors : Tourism: Wars and political isolation have taken their toll. But recent overtures to the West may open the city up.
- Even With All Its Troubles, Aeroflot Is Seeking a Bigger Piece of the Sky : Soviet Union: Despite crowding, confusion and delays in the wake of communism's fall, airline aims to continue a major international expansion.
- California IN BRIEF : ALAMEDA : Officers Won't Be Fired in Race Case
- Passports: Political Icons in a Changing World
- Baldwin Park : Council Will Meet Jan. 2
- McCarty Sues in Effort to Revive Hotel Project : Development: He seeks to invalidate vote on beach complex, saying the state has jurisdiction. The city says restaurateur agreed to abide by the decision. : SANTA MONICA
- Caltech Professor Honored for Work
- Altadena : Donations for Needy Sought
- Faith-Healing Center Claims 100% Cures
- PERSPECTIVE ON GOVERNMENT : Feminizing Congress in One Sweep : A rebirth of our institutions requires equality of power; to start, reserve half of the Senate seats for women.
- "BAIL OUT PARTY"-- Free Christmas pets will...
- DRUG TRIAL: A trial is scheduled to...
- Hedrick House: Tucson Way Station for Drunks : Alcoholism: Jack Downey's treatment facility tosses a lifeline to the ringout-swilling lushes. The rules are simple--one drink and you're out.
- COLLEGE BASKETBALL GLENDALE TOURNAMENT : Nalls Beats Buzzer, Canyons to Give Glendale Title, 73-71
- STAGE : 91 YEAR IN REVIEW : Is There a Doctor in the House? : With traditional theater treading water, LATC gone and exhibitionism passing for art, malaise envelops the theatrical community
- Well-Regulated Lifestyle Suits Them Just Fine : San Marino: Residents of this rule-happy enclave of "old money" like their community just the way it is. So do the Asian newcomers.
- Just Swimmingly
- Tender Loving Care : Health: Mother's Touch brings warmth and laughter to young hospital patients. In return, says one volunteer, "the kids teach you strength."
- Flood Leaves 2 Dead, 4 Missing in Texas : Weather: Slow-moving storm has caused at least 8 deaths since Wednesday. Ice-coated roads in Ohio and Iowa are blamed for more fatalities.
- N.Y. Finns Receive Help From Homeland
- Altadena : Height-Limit Law Studied
- Bosnia's Serbs Declare Their Own Republic
- A Crisis of Legitimacy Grips Emerging Commonwealth : Diplomacy: The former Soviet Union is undergoing a massive transformation, and how the United States responds is a big part of it.
- Decaying Liverpool No Better Off Than During '81 Riots : England: Spotlight shifts to disenchanted youths who joy ride in stolen cars.
- Community Policing / North Hills
- Brea, Santa Ana After Drunk Drivers
- COMMENTARY ON THE HOLIDAYS : For Us, It's Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to All : Observing both cultures' traditions has taught my family that different peoples can come together joyfully.
- BOOK MARK : They Met in Paris, Fell in Political Love and Built a Death Machine
- COUNTYWIDE : Weather to Be Cool Through Christmas
- Burbank Airport Neighbors Demand New Takeoff Routes : Environment: Residents to the south want some planes to take off to the east, over cities that own the airport. Pilots say takeoff patterns are based on safety.
- Chance for Change in Planning Process : * New Commissioner Should Serve Public's Interests
- Russians Have Sights, but Not Sails, Set on America's Cup : Sailing: Age of Russia crewmen arrive in San Diego, confident they will be challenging for the cup.
- Supt. Tom Payzant--Style or Substance? : Education: As the schools chief approaches a decade in San Diego, some say he is a visionary risk-taker. Others consider him merely a master of rhetoric.
- COLLEGE BASKETBALL PASADENA TOURNAMENT : Rio Hondo Checks Wilson, Checkmates Moorpark, 83-70
- NFL '91 Is Weird, Wacky
- . . . But to a Lucky Handful, Misfortune Is Rewarding : Certain businesses thrive during hard times; so do certain people. Here are a few who happen to be in the right job at the right time. : The Auctioneer
- Seymour Edging Away From Bush : Politics: As the President's popularity slides, the senator attempts to separate himself from his benefactor.
- 2 Cars Collide, but Injuries Are Minor
- Single-Car Accident in Forest Kills 3, Injures 2 : Alcohol: They had changed drivers after the first one said he wasn't sober enough to drive.
- 'Cadillac' of Food Banks Has Little Luxuries
- Austin-Magers Team Advances to Final
- This Is What the Previews Didn't Show
- L.A. Sues Over Copter Crash Fatal to 3
- Long Beach Watches It Slip Away : Volleyball: 49er assistant Green knows all about disappointment after losing in the 1984 Olympics.
- PREPS / MITCH POLIN : Boseman Quickly Showing He Is a Man for All Seasons
- THE NBA / MARK HEISLER : Jordan Is Still Playing by His Rules
- ROUNDUP : Thousand Oaks Uses Balance to Put Away Washington
- SOCCER ROUNDUP : Edison Needs Overtime to Shut Out Brea Again
- Armani-Designed 'Haute' Cuisine
- A POLL APART : It's Got the Public's Number, Give or Take a Few Percentage Points
- THE EVICTION MAN : Commercial Ousters Are Up 30% in Year
- How to Avoid Holiday Headaches
- Jane Fonda, Ted Turner Marry in Private Florida Ceremony
- Schools Debate the Merits of Condom Distribution
- Long Beach Police Chief to Learn Fate : Law enforcement: City Manager James Hankla is expected to ask Lawrence Binkley to take a leave of absence while he and his assistant chief are the targets of an internal investigation.
- He Empathizes Because He's Been There
- Bilingual Report Cards Benefit Everyone : * Efforts to Include Parents in Education Process Should Be Applauded, Not Opposed
- Basketball Celebrates Centennial : Anniversary: Weekend ceremonies in Springfield honor the game's birth.
- Citing philosophical differences with school administration and...
- HOLLYWOOD PARK : Magical Maiden Gives Stevens a Starlet Repeat
- MIXED MEDIA : *** "HARVEST OF SEVEN YEARS (CROPPED AND CHRONICLED)", k.d. lang, <i> Warner Reprise Video laser disc ($29.98)</i>
- The 3-Day Countdown Starts for Retailers : Sales: While some stores are busy, others find it slow, and there's a lot of discounting going on.
- * William F.G. Carroll has been appointed...
- A WOMAN OF MYSTERY : Like V.I. Warshawski, her hard-boiled Chicago detective, Sara Paretsky goes through life with her elbows out and her heart on her sleeve.
- THE INLAND GROUND: An Evocation of the...
- LITERATE AMERICA EMERGING: Seventeen New Readers Speak...
- Floating City Is a Center of Trade in Zaire
- New Cable TV Provider Forecasts Growth : Television: Among the goals of the New York-based company are more ethnic programming and an increase in subscribers.
- Diamond Bar : City Gala Falls to Budget Ax
- COLUMN ONE : A Frenzy of Lifts, Nips and Tucks : Celebrity endorsements and better techniques are bringing cosmetic surgery to the masses. In a largely unregulated field, the urge to sculpt the perfect body seems unstoppable.
- Pasadena : Holiday Food, Toys Needed
- Wounded Holdup Victim Receives Help, Comfort From Fellow Students : Goodwill: Classmates pitch in with tuition funds for friend who was shot in the face and left partially blind.
- Wordplayer : Games: Professional puzzle maker believes crosswords should be solvable by anyone with a working knowledge of English and a ready wit.
- Bridges Span Time--Back to Wood
- Temple City : Building Fees Increased
- PRESS WATCH : Books Can Be News
- Santa Clarita's McKeon to Seek New Congressional Seat
- PROFILE / MARK A. KROEKER : Making Believers Out of the Skeptics : Police: The assistant chief is one of 32 candidates seeking Daryl Gates' job.
- Escondido Man Shot in Home by Intruder
- Nature Turns the Tide : Waves Peak, Recede as Winter Arrives
- A Neighborhood With a True Holiday Sparkle
- A Book to Some, but an Escape for Homeless Children
- South Carolina Downs SDSU in Two Overtimes : College basketball: Gamecocks win championship of Texaco Star Classic.
- Cruikshank Finally Gets His Chance : Speedskating: After being bumped from the 1988 Olympic team, he will make it to Albertville in the 500 meters.
- Canyon Extends Winning Streak in Wrestling to 80
- The Greatest Flattery : Success of the Knicks' New Dancers Simply Proves What the Lakers Have Known All Along
- Boxing
- MUSIC AND DANCE : 91 YEAR IN REVIEW : In Dance, a Year of Highs and Ominous Trends
- * David Cargile has been appointed senior...
- Solution to Recession? Try a Bullet Approach Instead of the Shotgun
- Gruesome, Gory and Gratuitous : GAMES OF THE HANGMAN, <i> By Victor O'Reilly (Grove Weidenfeld: $19.95; 516 pp.)</i>
- Albanian Election Set
- Pasta Master : IN SEARCH OF THE PERFECT RAVIOLI, <i> By Paul Mantee (Ballantine: $9, paper; 214 pp.)</i>
- On the Trail of Elusive Bird of Paradise
- Pasadena : Police Approve Contract
- Rowland High School's Yearbook Wins Award
- 8 Join Soviet Commonwealth : Historic Decision Groups 11 Former Republics : Alliance: Pact emphasizes states' independence. It lays basis for joint control of nuclear arms. Leaders tell Gorbachev union has ceased to exist, along with his job.
- Bringing History to Life : Here's hoping UCLA can come up with another historic result
- Ojai Prepares for Showdown With Landlady : Housing: Mexican laborers have long rented space in lean-tos or a small side house. But the city says the shelters are unsafe.
- Tax Cheat Must Perform Free Services
- Trade Winds Blow Clippers to Victory : Pro basketball: A deal for Timberwolves' Richardson is still rumored as L.A. sails past Minnesota, 100-87.
- Hockey
- Surrell's Goal: Win on the Field and Triumph Over Dyslexia
- Studio City Speedskater Qualifies as Alternate
- MIXED MEDIA : 'Cold' Videos Reveal a Warmer Joni Mitchell : *** "COME IN FROM THE COLD", Joni Mitchell, <i> Geffen Home Video videocassette ($15.95)</i>
- * Alan Ottomeyer has joined Mailing &...
- Hen for the Holiday
- How to Choose a Strategy for the Coming New Year
- The Thing From the Swamp : A SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN ALLIGATOR, <i> By Vaughn L. Glasgow (St Martin's Press: $29.95; 265 pp., illustrated)</i>
- Through a Glass, Starkly : TROPICAL NIGHT FALLING, <i> By Manuel Puig (Simon & Schuster: $19; 189 pp.)</i>
- The Square with Style : During the Holidays-or Any Time-the Area Around Union Square Is What Downtowns Ought to Be
- America Celebrates
- Soka Seeks Disclosure of Park Service Plans : Development: The latest request widens the rift between the university and the agency over a 580-acre site in the mountains above Malibu.
- Laredo Cashes In on Swarm of Smugglers From Mexico : Trade: Overvalued peso helps create bargains that can be spirited across the border and sold at a high markup.
- Nation of Islam Offers to Patrol Housing : Crime: The proposal is being considered by the federal government, which subsidizes the gang-plagued apartments. Critics of the plan are outraged, calling the Muslim group anti-Semitic and racist.
- Head of Health Services Appointed at Mt. SAC
- Baldwin Park : Recycling Fee on Trash Bills
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (ABC tonight...
- That Rare Craftsman, the American Boot Maker Hits Comeback Trail
- Holiday Donations in Short Supply for Those Seeking Aid : Giving: Agencies that provide food and toys say need is greater, but stocks are low this Christmas.
- Suicide Diary Leads to Sailor's Identity
- COVER STORY : 91 YEAR IN REVIEW : The Year of TV News : For sheer whiz-bang drama, nothing beat the reality of epic events. But beyond the images, how many viewers got the whole picture?
- Time-Share Companies Working to Keep Image Intact : Real estate: Despite Glen Ivy's troubles, and memories of past hard-sell tactics, the resorts are maintaining respectability. The entry of Disney, Marriott and Hilton has helped.
- Warm-Up Soups
- THE PAWNBROKER : Recession Leaves Mark in Over-the-Counter Lending
- Ex-Hostage Preaches Peace Message to All Who'll Listen
- A Guide to the Best of Southern California : OUT & ABOUT : Hot Toddies
- COLUMN RIGHT/ CRAIG SHIRLEY : Give Buchanan and the Right Their Due : If Bush is to squelch the challenge, he must first recognize its seriousness as a threat.
- Soviet Space Program Faces a Down-to-Earth Future : Transition: Collapse of the central government augurs ill for soaring history that began with Sputnik.
- THE CHINESE CONNECTION : Who are these 'spacemen?' They regularly shuttle between Taiwan and California, bringing money.
- Love, Marriage Lead to Death and a Murder Trial : Probe: From the beginning, family and friends considered John Burrus a prime suspect in the death of Grace, his wife of 31 years.
- Roadwork: Major projects for the week of Dec. 22-28
- Bradley Takes a Grilling--but Ends Day Grinning : Mayor: First a news conference on the end of a corruption probe, then a toy giveaway on Skid Row.
- HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL NORTH HOLLYWOOD TOURNAMENT : Huskies Edge Chatsworth, 60-58, as Hill Finds Mark in 2nd Half
- College Football
- Loyola Women Lose to New Mexico
- IRVINE WORLD NEWS TOURNAMENT : Harrell, Jessie Lead Edison to Title With Rout of Woodbridge
- Vikings' Burns Goes Out a Loser as Packers Roll to 27-7 Victory
- "AND THE ANGELS SING." North Star Records...
- MOVIES : Bound for Stardom? Maybe . . . Jason Patric's in No Rush : The up-and-comer focuses fiercely on his roles and on keeping much of his life off camera
- A look inside Hollywood and the movies. : Hollywood (Quote, Unquote) 1991--They Said It, Really
- TCHAIKOVSKY: "The Nutcracker" Suite. VIVALDI: "Winter." MOZART:...
- Sicilian Play Brings Back Memories
- MUSIC AND DANCE : 91 YEAR IN REVIEW : The Beckmesser Awards of 1991
- Economic Woes
- Tree Study Criticized; Researcher Defends It
- Could Airport Be the Jail Solution?
- Tree Study Criticized; Researcher Defends It
- Meaningful Gifts
- Miller's Time
- Suicide Note Solves Grisly 1986 Mystery : Slaying: The dismembered remains of a woman missing for five years are identified after her ex-husband kills himself, leaving a confession behind.
- Keep Paramedics in Vans, Not Trucks
- Civic Light Opera Project Wins Praise
- Mello-Roos Bonds Abused by Greedy Developers
- Miller's Time : Hollywood Syndrome
- Sleazy or Informative?
- Mello-Roos Bonds Abused by Greedy Developers
- Motor Home, Boat Restrictions Deplored
- Miller's Time : Then Came Bronson
- Gov. Wilson's Welfare Reforms
- At 20, Irvine Is Standing Test of Time
- Freeway Roundup
- Trucks and Congestion
- Landfill Bids
- Doo-Dull Announcers
- Grand Jury Deserves Credit for Efforts
- No-Fault Divorce
- Civic Light Opera Project Wins Praise
- Civic Light Opera Project Wins Praise
- Tree Study Criticized; Researcher Defends It
- Concern for the Plight of Peafowl
- FRANKLY . . .
- Brooklyn Dreamer
- Gov. Wilson's Welfare Reforms
- Allegiance of Refugees Should Be to U.S.
- Gov. Wilson's Welfare Reforms
- Gov. Wilson's Welfare Reforms
- Tree Study Criticized; Researcher Defends It
- NONFICTION - Dec. 22, 1991
- NONFICTION - Dec. 22, 1991
- NONFICTION - Dec. 22, 1991
- NONFICTION - Dec. 22, 1991
- NONFICTION - Dec. 22, 1991
- NONFICTION - Dec. 22, 1991
- Kolts Starts Deputies Probe in Christopher's Shadow : Sheriff's Dept.: Retired judge's investigation will be compared to review of LAPD after Rodney King beating.
- Rx for the Problem '90s: Some Odd-Couple Politics : Government: Elements of the left and right are putting away their ideological gloves and forming alliances to develop successful programs.
- Loveland to Attend Okla. State
- A View of Holiday Dining at Rockefeller Center
- Not Too Early to Plan for 1992 Holiday Cruises
- HOT: Three years after leaving office, Ronald...
- Lobbyists Cultivate Ties to Anaheim Politicians : Government: The two bring hefty sums to current council members' campaigns, even more than Disney.
- Shutting Down : Golden West Refinery Closure Will Cost 280 Their Jobs
- TREE SQUEEZE: The number of Christmas trees...
- RECORD BOUND? If the Los Angeles Rams...
- PRETTIER TEENS: As cosmetic surgery's popularity grows...
- Study Says Business 'Front Groups' on Rise : Lobbying: Ralph Nader organization says the corporate bodies hide behind deceiving names. Officials of some associations deny charges.
- Plane Crash Kills at Least 1 Person : Aviation: Small aircraft slams into a hillside near Ventura and burns, igniting a five-acre brush fire.
- Pfizer to Sell Most of Shiley's Product Lines to Fiat Unit
- Judge Lifts Freeze on Most Funds in Wymer Accounts : Securities: Receiver accounts for $760 million managed by the investment adviser. Orange and other cities appear to have lost about $45 million.
- Sex Abuse Incident Brings Admiral Permanent Penalty
- San Diego
- Poll Finds Doctors' AIDS Bias Greater in Minority Areas : Medicine: Physicians in non-Anglo sections of L.A. County are reported more averse to treating such patients.
- Former Judge Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Sell Cocaine : Crime: Alan A. Plaia also agrees to cooperate in the prosecution of two suspected accomplices in alleged plot.
- Clinic Shuts Out Patients Seeking Prenatal Care : Health: Major county facility acts at a time of federal and state efforts to improve such care. A shortage of obstetricians and nurse practitioners is cited as the waiting list exceeds 800.
- GARDENING : The Inside Track on Houseplants
- Sweep Summer Under Plaid Rug
- Bill Threatens Cuts in Japanese Auto Imports : Congress: Democratic measure demands end to Asian nation's trade surplus. The proposal could spark a conflict with the Bush Administration.
- Keeping the Faiths : Holiday Season Can Test the Balance of Beliefs for Many Interfaith Marriages
- Refugee Resettlement Groups Fear Growing Resistance to Immigrants : Nationalism: Church officials say the plight of Haitians is serious, but they are more alarmed by trends in Europe, where right-wing movements are calling for the expulsion of foreigners.
- Scout Who Organized Homeless Aid Earns Eagle Rank
- BREA : City Won't Hike Fees for Building Services
- Ukraine Asks to Compete on Own
- VENTURA : Foundation Offers 'Surfer's Ear Clinic'
- COLLEGE BASKETBALL PASADENA TOURNAMENT : Wake-Up Call Spurs Ventura to Win Over Trade Tech
- College Football
- COLLEGE BASKETBALL ROUNDUP : Bruner Injured in Master's Loss to CS Bakersfield
- Problems Plague Soccer Tourney
- MOVIE REVIEW : A Drug Film of Our Times
- San Diego Spotlight : Symphony Provided Year's Major Mozart Event in S.D.
- Mitchell Is Easy on the Ears : The pianist's band, featuring reed man John Bolivar, offers simple entertainment in Newport Beach show.
- CLIPBOARD : The Dirty Half-Dozen
- Wade Resigns as Calabasas Baseball Coach
- SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO : School District OKs 2% Raise for 1,300
- Tulsa Tailback Hughley Dismissed from Team : Freedom Bowl: Nation's fifth-leading rusher won't play Dec. 30 against San Diego State.
- The Grove Shakespeare Festival has received a...
- 50 Years Later, Reed Man Is Still Going Strong : Jazz: Buddy Collette, impressing Southland audiences since the mid-1940s, appears tonight in Hollywood.
- ART REVIEWS : The Tale of a Life Committed to Art : A show at the Athenaeum features Harry Sternberg's latest production, a series of autobiographical woodcuts published in book and portfolio form by Brighton Press.
- ART REVIEWS : Chemistry but Few Sparks
- POP MUSIC REVIEW : Toad Grows but Needs Laughs
- Cuomo's Approach: 'It's Silly to Decide Before You Have to'