
Remembering Dec. 7, 1941; Herman Cain’s withdrawal from the GOP presidential race; American exceptionalism

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United we stood

Re “When unity was all-American,” Column, Dec. 5

On a beautiful Sunday morning, I was listening to a football game with several other men when suddenly a special announcement interrupted the broadcast: “Pearl Harbor has been bombed.”

We looked at each other and said, “Where’s Pearl Harbor?” It didn’t take us long to find out. In less than two months, we had all enlisted in the United States armed forces.


Franklin D. Roosevelt said we’d never forget that day. Seventy years later, I remember it well.

Sid Lazarow


I was deeply moved by George Skelton’s remarks on how Pearl Harbor brought Americans together “in a way we seem to have forgotten.” As he points out, there is for many of us a “deep sense of nostalgia for the instinctive American attitude during World War II — an attitude of unity, shared sacrifice and, yes, unconcealed patriotism.

That was then. This is now, and that America remembered by Skelton doesn’t exist anymore. “Out of many, one” has become “out of one, many.”


The nation of the 1940s has long since perished.

Joseph A. Lea

Mission Viejo

Skelton forgot to mention the big why.

During World War II, we had a military draft that involved everyone. We were attacked by another country, not a bunch of terrorists.

Our leaders told us we could win the war if we worked together. The people believed them.

Today, we have a professional military. Our leaders send them into combat at the slightest (sometimes imagined) provocation, while telling the population to spend. They say we should be afraid of terrorists and that we should give up the Bill of Rights.

We can stop this by getting rid of the Patriot Act and restoring the draft any time the military is involved in armed combat for more than 30 days. Automatic tax increases should cover such military actions.


Our military fights best against other countries’ militaries. Terrorists are best fought with police action.

Why are we still involved in unwinnable wars?

Larry Severson

Fountain Valley

Derailment of the Cain train

Re “Cain backs out of presidential race,” Dec. 4

Why is it that former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain’s campaign could be so easily derailed by a sex scandal but be relatively unaffected by the disclosure of his exploitative tax plan?

The stories of alleged sexual harassment and infidelity are disturbing, but they are ultimately unsubstantiated. By contrast, Cain’s tax plan would have essentially given corporations a tax break while increasing the tax burden for middle-class Americans.

Sure, we all enjoy a little drama, but it seems that Americans are overly

concerned with the private lives of politicians while they ignore the policies that directly affect their lives.

Molly Muktkeshi


What is the matter with us? We judge Cain for his alleged infidelities and drive him out of the race, and them some flock to Newt Gingrich, who is the definitive adulterer.


We seem to have short memories. Did we forget Gingrich was having an affair while his first wife was battling cancer? What kind of hypocrites are we?

What makes Gingrich better than Cain? We should be ashamed.

Michael Filerman

Beverly Hills

Contrary to cries of media bias and attempts at character assassination, both Cain and the Republican Party should be grateful to the candidate’s accusers. Imagine if they had withheld their stories until Cain had been (perhaps) nominated.

The idea that the Democrats would try to interfere with Cain’s campaign is ludicrous; he would have been the most defeatable of the GOP candidates.

Norman Palley

Culver City

For America

Re “In decline,” Opinion, Dec. 2

Whether or not America is in decline is up to Americans. And exceptionalism — or, at least, how it’s defined — may have a lot to do with that. It can be a sense of entitled superiority, or it can be a standard to which we must measure up.

Patting oneself on the back never kept anyone on top. And typically the people talking in the most self-congratulating way (and pasting it on bumpers and windows) have little to do with what they are congratulating themselves about.


If, however, we use tradition to emulate what has been done before, we can make the effort and sacrifices necessary to maintain or elevate the country.

The old slogan “My country, right or wrong,” has a second part: “When right to be kept right, when wrong to be put right. But my country.”

Greatness must be maintained.

William S. Seckler


Circus animals deserve better

Re “They’re elephants, not clowns,” Editorial, Dec. 2

Your editorial calling on Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey circus to lose the elephant acts was spot on.

While the record fine Ringling’s owner paid to settle with the feds is welcome, the settlement does not require the circus to stop hitting elephants with bull hooks — a method of “control” that Ringling staunchly defends. It’s a shame the government didn’t take Ringling Bros. to court, but the circus’ appalling history is well documented.

In the court of public opinion, Ringling’s inexcusable abuse of elephants is reason enough to stay away.


Sam Simon

Pacific Palisades

If members of the public were informed of the abuse behind the tents of the “Greatest Show on Earth,” they would probably never attend.

When was the last time we saw a photograph of an elephant standing on its head in the wild? When did we last see a photograph of a tiger running through hoops of fire in the jungle? The methods used to induce these creatures to perform such unnatural acts would be horrifying to most circus attendees.

The only animals that should be in circuses are those on two legs. Until then, we are all guilty of endorsing such cruelty.

Lynn Pechet

La Jolla

Cleanup time

Re “Swept up in clearing the damage,” Dec. 3

So the city of Los Angeles can send a crew to remove fallen trees in Griffith Park, while my husband and other responsible people help our neighbors clear the broken trees and branches away so they can get out of their driveways and go to work or other important places.

The city needs some real priorities. I’m sure the rest of Los Angeles could have used the cleanup crews sooner.


Margaret Guerra

Los Angeles

Romney’s job

Re “Romney’s focus wasn’t jobs then,” Dec. 4

I see that the media’s attack is on at The Times with its article on Mitt Romney’s time at Bain Capital.

Pray tell, what is private capital supposed to do? Make a profit, that’s what, as profits are essential to capital growth, economic growth and job creation.

Maybe The Times prefers to give over the economic system to the Occupy L.A. folks.

Mark E. Buchman

Los Angeles

The victors?

Re “Europe’s new rules, written in German,” Dec. 3

Considering the outcomes of World War I and World War II, can’t you just taste the irony?

Linda Kaplan

Rolling Hills Estates
