“A Star Is Born” went 1-for-8 at Sunday night’s Oscars, but it was still a big night for Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper — and, most importantly, fans of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.
The two shared the stage for a memorably passionate live rendition of “Shallow” — an especially rare performance by Cooper, who also directed and co-wrote the movie. After singing the first verse of the tune, Cooper took a seat next to Lady Gaga on her piano bench for the end of the song, and the internet kind of freaked out.
The two also shared screen time when “Shallow” won the Oscar for original song. The singer-actress thanked Cooper, saying, “Bradley, there is not a single person on the planet that could have sung this song with me but you. Thank you for believing in us.”
But while, sadly, there’s no news about a repeat performance by Cooper and Gaga anytime soon, here’s another loving look back at every single Times photo of the duo together.