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2022 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility
Federal Government Aims to Set Example of How to Build a More Diverse American Workforce
In a public statement issued this past summer, the White House shared that “we are at our best when drawing upon all parts of society and our greatest accomplishments are achieved when diverse perspectives are brought to bear to overcome our greatest challenges.”
DEIA Forum Photos
The DEIA Forum, which took place at the Beverly Hilton on November 10, brought together the best and brightest among California’s diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility experts. The event featured three engaging discussions about the state of DEIA in the modern workplace and also gave participants the opportunity to connect, discuss, and learn from each other.
DEIA Visionaries
The work of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility leaders has been catapulted into the spotlight as they have been placed under additional pressure to provide guidance to their companies and the business community at large. The importance of their critical efforts cannot be overstated. Below, see a list of DEIA professionals and experts who are among California’s most prominent game-changers and thought leaders in the business world today.