
Pictures didn’t tell the story

THE Home section article “A Brutal Kind of Beautiful” [Feb. 1] missed the mark, especially with the website’s photo gallery. Of eight photos, we saw one painting twice. There are more than 40 pieces in the collection; surely a photo gallery could be put together without the repetition. There was one photo that talked about a painting that was obscured by glare.

I would have liked to see one less balcony shot and two photos of the garden space. Although the story was about the home and the artwork, there was only a single photo without the owners in view. While I do like to see who lives in the home I am looking at, I am not interested in a personality profile as much as the home itself.

Photos are always a problem for a newspaper because they take up precious column inches. However, that should not be a problem with your website because column inches are not a limitation.


The written article was well done. It covered many different points of the home, the art and the owners. However, given the limitations of the written word and the expressive nature of a photo, this piece was not up to the usual L.A. Times standards.


North Hollywood
