
Satellite Radio Takes to Airwaves

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Satellite radio went on the air this week, promising listeners greater variety on the dial--for a price.

Hugh Panero, president of XM Satellite Radio, flipped a switch in the company’s Washington headquarters shortly after 9:30 a.m. Tuesday and began offering service in San Diego and Dallas.

The company plans to expand nationwide in the coming months, and a competitor, New York-based Sirius Satellite Radio, plans to come on line this year.


“It’s the signal of the future,” Panero said while tuning in to his company’s reggae channel.

XM Satellite Radio is offering 100 channels of varied music and talk, with limited advertising on some and no commercials on more than 30 channels.

The company has 1.5 million songs in a digital library, ranging from opera to Latin romance. Service costs $9.99 a month.
