
Judge Gray Takes Leave to Study Race for House

Orange County Superior Court Judge James P. Gray, who has suggested legalizing drugs to end a losing drug war, will take a leave of absence beginning today to consider a run for U.S. Congress.

Gray, 52, who has indicated an interest in the 46th Congressional District seat, announced his leave in a letter Tuesday to court employees.

“Recently, I sent a letter to [the chief justice] saying I would be taking a leave of absence from our great Court in order seriously to explore my possible candidacy for Congress. . . ,” the letter reads. “I am taking this leave because I feel that a sitting judge should not be publicly involved in partisan politics.”


Gray, a Republican, would face incumbent Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove) and Anaheim City Councilman Bob Zemel, who has hired former Christian Coalition executive director Ralph Reed as a consultant.
