
Central Los Angeles : New Market Replaces One Burned in Riots

South-Central Los Angeles residents broke ground Wednesday for a supermarket at Western Avenue and 88th Street on a site where another market burned down in the 1992 riots.

The new Superior Super Warehouse, part of a small chain of supermarkets, is scheduled to open in late 1997 and will provide 150 jobs in the community, said Calvin Naito, spokesman for Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas.

Ridley-Thomas’ office has helped get several other supermarkets into the community, including a Ralphs at Adams Boulevard and Vermont Avenue and a R Ranch at San Pedro and Manchester. The councilman has worked with the National League of Cities and Food Marketing Institute, his office said.


According to Naito, Ridley-Thomas’ South-Central district has half the number of supermarkets per capita compared to other districts in the city.
