
Racial Conflict

I would like to commend The Times for its article (Jan. 17) on the thorough, timely and insightful report of the MultiCultural Collaborative, “Race, Power and Promise in Los Angeles.”

We who are in the business of fighting prejudice, institutional racism and consequent intergroup tensions, wholeheartedly agree with the urgent need for greater support and serious discussion on the root causes of racial conflict from both the public and private sectors. If not, we will continue to stumble from incident to incident to civil disturbances to fratricide. The minimal support for the county and city human relations commissions is not only embarrassing, but shameful.

My hope is that the MultiCultural Collaborative report is read and taken seriously. The issues raised are complex and difficult. Their solutions are not easy. Their avoidance, especially by those with the power and influence to do something, will be disastrous for all of us.


JIM HILVERT, Executive Director

National Conference of Christians and Jews, Los Angeles
