
It’s Musical History

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I had the rare treat of hearing and seeing Miss Peggy Lee perform in person this week. I made the trek to the Hollywood Bowl with a few friends who happen to be Latino. They were delighted, as was I, to hear her sing “Manana,” which she made a No. 1 hit that was on the charts for months in the 1940s and became the second-biggest selling record in Capitol Records history. I take umbrage with Don Heckman’s suggestion (“Shearing, Lee and Torme Showcased at the Hollywood Bowl,” Calendar, Aug. 4) that Miss Lee eliminate her still swingin’ (at 75 years old) version of it. Would you ask Lena to eliminate “Stormy Weather,” Sinatra to eliminate “New York, New York” or Tony Bennett to eliminate “I Left My Heart in San Francisco.” It’s musical history! Heck, man “Some Cats Know.”


Sherman Oaks

