
L.A.--the world’s largest movie lot: When she...

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L.A.--the world’s largest movie lot: When she was a high school teacher, Jackie Goldberg used to treat the kids in her Los Feliz neighborhood to outdoor movies during the summer.

“I’d hang up a couple of sheets on this little patch of grass near where I lived and run a huge extension cord from my apartment down to the park,” recalled Goldberg, now a city councilwoman.

One night, she rented the 1932 classic, “The Music Box,” in which poor Laurel and Hardy struggle to lug a piano up a concrete stairway. Goldberg had never seen the film.


“We were watching it, and we noticed a median strip that looked like the one that separates the east and west sides of Vendome (Street) nearby,” she said. “But, we figured there are a lot of medians. . . .

“Then we saw the corner of the building where I lived in the movie. Everyone started hollering and cheering. It looked like they were moving this piano into my apartment! We must have played that movie six times that night.”

Talk about changes of venue!It sometimes seems as though O.J. Simpson attorney Robert Shapiro has been subpoenaed to every gathering in town. Over the last few months, we’ve come across these mentions of him:


* At a Beverly Hilton tribute to producer Kathleen Kennedy emceed by Whoopi Goldberg.

* At a book party for Motown Records founder Berry Gordy at the Beverly Hills home of Norman Brokaw, the chairman of William Morris.

* At the Rose Bowl, taking in a Rolling Stones concert.

* At a Beverly Hilton charity auction emceed by Jay Leno.

* In the courtroom--yes, he’s often there during daytime hours--where he was admonished by Judge Lance Ito for receiving a call on his cellular phone, reportedly from talk-show host Larry King.

* At lunch in West Hollywood’s Eclipse with CBS anchorwoman Connie Chung.

* At the Outlaw Boxing Gym in Hollywood, sparring with boxer James Toney.

* At the Grill in Beverly Hills, having lunch with co-counsel Alan Dershowitz.

* At dinner at “pal Nick Blair’s Sunset Strippery,” in the words of Daily Variety’s Army Archerd.


* In a profile in People Magazine, which alleged that he was “the best dancer at Hamilton High.”

* At a party in the Beverly Hills home of producer-author Robert Evans.

* In a conversation at a Universal back-lot party, where, Variety reported, actor James Woods “laughingly said his next role might be Robert Shapiro.”

If so, Woods better be in shape.


How about $5 to get you to a Sunset Strippery?A panhandler at a freeway off-ramp in Downtown L.A. was observed holding up a sign that asked for $100 so he could get “back to New York.”

miscelLAny In USC’s Chronicle newspaper, Dick Adler of Venice found a reference to the school’s “Streisand Professorship in Intimacy and Sexuality.”
