
Movie Review : ‘Mr. Write’: A Playwright Falls in Love

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“Mr. Write,” unfortunately, is “Mr. Wrong,” a stale, labored romantic comedy all too obviously adapted from a play that is at best fodder for whatever is left of the summer-stock circuit.

Paul Reiser stars as a nebbishy struggling playwright who grabs an acting gig for a candy commercial and winds up falling hard for the beautiful woman (Jessica Tuck) who wrote it. He thinks her material is as rotten as everybody thinks his play is, but she’s the daughter of the candy company’s owner (Martin Mull).

Howard J. Morris’ adaptation of his own play is such sub-Woody Allen material that it’s too much to expect Reiser to rise above it. Yet Charlie Loventhal’s direction is so clearly committed, so determinedly energetic, that at least Tuck, Mull, Tom Wilson as Reiser’s glib roommate and Tom Wilson as Tuck’s hunky but dense fiance actually are able to make favorable impressions despite the circumstances.


* MPAA rating: PG-13, for sex-related humor. Times guidelines: It includes sexual innuendo and situations. ‘Mr. Write’

Paul Reiser: Charlie

Jessica Tuck: Nicole

Martin Mull: Dan

Tom David Bailey: Rollins

A Leonard Loventhal presentation of a Presto production. Director Charlie Loventhal. Producers Joan Fishman, Rick Herrington. Executive producers Loventhal, Richard Allerton, Buddy Ortale. Screenplay by Howard J. Morris; based on his play. Cinematographer Elliott Davis. Editor Eric Beason. Costumes Elsa Ward. Music Miles Roston. Production designer Pamela Woodbridge. Set decorator Marty Iluyette. Running time: 1 hour, 30 minutes.

* In selected theaters throughout Southern California.
