
Vulgarity at SDSU Ballgames Isn’t Right

The other day I made the mistake of attending a San Diego State baseball game. My second mistake was watching the game from the right-field bleachers. The fans who sit here don’t pay to see the game. They consist of college-age males whose sole reason for watching the Aztecs is to hurl filthy and degrading remarks at the right fielder of the opposing team.

I only stood there for three minutes. An Aztec game lasts nine innings. This is not the first time I have observed such behavior. In fact, it goes on at every Aztec home game. And, many of the verbal attacks were tame compared to what I have heard in the past.

It doesn’t take a psychologist to realize that comments like these come from ignorant, immature boys who are extemely insecure in their own sexual identities. They project their own self-dislike on an innocent bystander. In this instance, their comments bordered on being racist, not say discriminatory and hateful. The question remains, why are they allowed, game after game, to manifest such disgusting behavior?


I have written letters to Dr. Thomas Day, president of the university, and his athletic director, Fred Miller, and received no replies and no results. It’s time Dr. Day showed some accountability for the behavior of his undergraduates.


San Diego
