
STANTON : Budget OKd With $760,000 Deficit

The City Council this week approved a $10.5-million annual budget that included a deficit of $760,000, city officials said.

Councilman Sal Sapien was the only one to oppose the budget, saying that he opposes using the city’s reserves to balance the budget.

“I think its unconscionable to vote for a deficit budget when we have means to address the problem,” Sapien said Wednesday.


“The city will have no reserves left by 1992 if we continue spending at the present rate. If we have a disaster, we’re up the creek.”

The new budget represents a $700,000 increase over last year’s budget of $9.8 million, Assistant City Director Greg Beaubien said.

“We’re maintaining a consistent level of services. There are no major deletions or additions,” Beaubien said.
