
SHORT TAKES : Groans Greet ‘Bonfire’ Filming

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Moaning merchants and gawking passers-by greeted Hollywood’s arrival in the Bronx for filming of “The Bonfire of the Vanities,” starring Tom Hanks as a bond dealer brought low by the Big Apple.

There were cranes, trucks, traffic jams and plenty of stars Monday during filming at the courthouse.

The movie is based on Tom Wolfe’s best-selling novel of avarice, ego and corruption. And the flames of discontent did leap Monday as a 200-person movie crew worked.


“It’s making everybody’s life miserable,” groused Nick Kavalos as movie trucks jammed the street outside his delicatessen. “The bread guy had to park two blocks away and carry in my delivery.”

The courthouse and its players take a prominent role in the book, Wolfe’s depiction of New York’s lowlifes and high brows. Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman and Melanie Griffith are also in the movie.
