
Donahue Faces the Ire of a Town Without Pity

I’m not mad at Terry (Touch Down) Donahue for not calling two plays at one time at the end of the Washington State game, and therefore throwing away a down.

I’m not mad at TD for starting fast in games and not adjusting when the other coach adjusts, like Nebraska or Washington State or last year’s USC game.

And, I’m not even mad at TD for turning the best quarterback in UCLA history into a third-team Pac-10 quarterback whose long ball is suspect, because that quarterback will get his just rewards in the pro game, although it may cost him thousands of dollars in his first pro contract.


I am mad that he always blames his players for not being as talented as the whole world knows they are. He ought to be a mensch and admit that his staff always comes up a few yards and a few downs short. He will never beat Larry Smith.


Los Angeles
