

In a way, it was your own fault that you suffered through an out-of-date scorecard at Dodger Stadium, as recounted in your editorial (Aug. 29), “Who’s on First?”

You bought the June edition, instead of the August issue, which was also on sale at the Stadium that day.

I know because I made the same mistake, until I realized it, demanded a refund and bought a new scorecard.

This one did list Len Matuszek and Enos Cabell. It did have R.J. Reynolds’ correct number (29). It also listed Joe Johnson of the Braves and gave the first name of pinch-hitter Milt Thompson.


Another difference between the two scorecards was that August had Pedro Guerrero on the cover, and an article in which he explained the continuation of his hot hitting that began in June by saying, “My bat doesn’t know what month it is.”

I guess the same thing can happen to an editorial writer for the Los Angeles Times.


