Karnit Goldwasser, center, wife of Israeli soldier Ehud Goldwasser, covers her ears to the sound of gunshots as an honor guard fires during his funeral in the northern Israeli border town of Nahariya. The bodies of Goldwasser and fellow soldier Eldad Regev, held since 2006, were returned to Israel Wednesday as part of a prisoner exchange deal with the Lebanese Islamic group Hezbollah. (David Silverman / Getty Images)
Karnit Goldwasser, wife of captured Israeli soldier Ehud Goldwasser, talks to General Elazar Shteren as he arrives to officially notify her of her husband’s death outside her home in Nahariya, Israel. The bodies of Israeli soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, held by Hezbollah since 2006, were returned to Israel as part of a prisoner exchange. (Uriel Sinai / Getty Images)