
Floridians mark Trump’s birthday with flotillas, caravans

Boats idle on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Fla., during a rally Sunday to celebrate President Trump's birthday.
Hundreds of boats idle on the St. Johns River through downtown Jacksonville, Fla., during a rally Sunday to celebrate President Trump’s birthday.
(Associated Press)

Supporters of President Trump in Florida celebrated his birthday Sunday with caravans, flotillas and parades throughout his adopted home state.

In Palm Beach County — home of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort — separate caravans of trucks, motorcycles and boats rode along highways and the intercoastal waterway at various times in the morning. The organizers were part of the president’s Florida reelection effort.

The Palm Beach Post reported that an anti-Trump caravan also was riding through the county Sunday to protest racism and call for police reforms.


Pro-Trump flotillas were planned for Fort Lauderdale, Miami, the Keys, Tampa, Pensacola and Jacksonville, where Trump is slated to be renominated for a second term at the end of August.

In the Villages, a Republican-friendly retirement community northwest of Orlando, Trump supporters held a golf-cart parade in honor of the president, who is turning 74.

Speaking Saturday to graduates at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Trump said his birthday coincided with the 245th anniversary of the U.S. Army’s founding.


“Unrelated, going to be my birthday also,” Trump said. “I don’t know if that happened by accident. Did that happen by accident, please? But it’s a great day because of that Army birthday.”
