
Planning your trip to Sequoia National Park’s Lodgepole campground

Special to The Los Angeles Times


Sequoia National Park’s Lodgepole campground offers 214 reserveable sites. Amenities include bear-proof storage boxes, showers and flush toilets, a laundromat, store and deli. It costs $20 with a reservation during the warmer months and is free after heavy snows.

Azalea campground has 110 sites (flush toilets, $18 per night) that are non-reservable and are a quarter of a mile from Grant Grove Village. It is open year-round.

Crystal Springs in the Grant Grove area is four miles from Kings Canyon Park entrance. It has 36 non-reservable sites (with flush toilets) at $18 a night. Open late May to mid-September.


Sunset is three miles from Kings Canyon park entrance. Its 157 non-reservable sites (with flush toilets) cost $18 and are open from late May to mid-September.


To Sequoia National Park from Los Angeles, drive north on Interstate 5 and continue north on California 99 to Visalia. Take California 198 east to the park’s Ash Mountain entrance, which then winds for 16 miles along the Generals Highway to the Giant Forest area. To Kings Canyon, continue north past Visalia on California 99 to Fresno. Take California 180 east 53 miles to the park’s Big Stump entrance.


Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks, (559) 565-3341, Lodgepole reservations, (800) 365-2267,
