
Readers recommend

California: Brunch bonanza

Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach 92660; (949) 476-2001, . “The Sunday champagne brunch at this hotel is eye-popping. The award-winning Accents restaurant puts on a mouthwatering spread — meats, fish, salad bar, an entire separate room filled with desserts. And it’s combined with excellent service.” Adults $39, children $17, 5 and younger free. Served 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Jerry Watson

Los Angeles


France: Lovely setting

Best Western Le Moulin de Ducey Hotel, 1 Grande Rue, Ducey 50220; 011-33-2-33-

60-25-25, . “This is a fine hotel in a historic, picturesque setting. Breakfast is included, and the dining area, with large picture windows, has a view of two ancient stone bridges, a large millpond and a dam that creates a waterfall. Ducey is known as the flower city, and most of its traditional gray granite buildings have colorful flower-filled window boxes. It is convenient to Le Mont-St.-Michel, about 20 minutes away.” Doubles from $100 per night.

Bill Webster


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