
Planes, trains, buses and opinions

Plane-versus-train dilemma

Thank you for your article on Europe by plane and train [“Planes, Trains & Buses,” Sept. 23].

My husband and I are planning a London-Zurich-Paris trip, and although I consider myself travel savvy, I have been having plane-versus-train dilemma.

I will use your article as a great reference.

--Emily Wandel, Valencia

Budget travel in Europe

Great articles about budget travel in Europe.

I live in Britain and have used EasyJet and Ryanair and agree with what you said.

Just a couple of points: First, when traveling from Luton, England, to central London, take the train (First Capital Connect). It’s a bit quicker. Second: travelers’ rights. European Union-based airlines have to offer a comprehensive rights package, including overselling, excessive delay caused by the carrier and cancellation.


--Miles Thomas, London

San Francisco bus trip

I thoroughly enjoyed your story about the San Francisco bus trip [Sept. 23].

I love the San Francisco area but get to visit only every few years. And it is expensive. I am delighted to hear about this new mode of transport.

--Barbara Duffy, Long Beach

Got it right

The Travel section: At long last, you got it right!

--James and Helene Shielly, Palm Desert
