
Readers clarify Beijing story, ask for less luxury

Clear mornings? Not in Beijing

Thank you for your “Unlocking China” section [Sept. 16]. I enjoyed it very much. While Susan Spano resided much longer than I did in my recent visit to Beijing, I would like to clarify two statements she made.

Yes, the Chinese are planting trees all over, but the trees look like forests of nursery stock, perhaps 2 to 5 years old, and will take years to make any environmental difference.

I would also question Spano’s use of “crystal-clear morning.” Most of the residents of Beijing with whom I came in contact said that such mornings were very rare throughout the year.


--Phyllis Specht, Pasadena

West bests East for creative story

I just moved to Beverly Hills from New Jersey and my landlord left me the Sunday edition of the L.A. Times. I read Hugo Martín’s articles “All Aboard” [Sept. 9] and I must say he’s a talented writer. Fantastic imagery: “tiny grains crunch between my teeth.”

As a writer myself, I can say that I enjoyed his article more than anything I’ve read in the New York Times.

--Dan Zechmeister, Beverly Hills

More culture, less treatment

Please quarantine for a while the words “spa,” “luxury resort,” “pamper,” “body wrap” and “massage,” so those of us who travel to experience other cultures are spared such trivia.


--Michael Ludmer, Los Angeles
