
The 10 best sports movies of all time, No. 9: ‘Rudy’

A week or so ago, we asked you to vote for the 10 best sports movies of all time. And, 9,280 ballots later we unveil your picks.

No. 9: “Rudy” (97 first-place votes, 17,053 points)

Created by the writer Angelo Pizzo and director David Anspaugh, the same team behind the critically acclaimed “Hoosiers”, “Rudy” tells the story of Daniel “Rudy” Ruettiger, who fulfills his dream of playing football at Notre Dame despite almost everyone in his life telling him it would be impossible.

Sean Astin plays Rudy and infuses the role with heart and spirit. Sure, you can see the ending coming a mile away, but sometimes the journey is as important as the ending. This is one of the few movies that will give you goosebumps at the end and reminds us that dreams are a good thing to have in life.


Be sure to keep an eye out for the film debuts of two actors who went on the become stars. Jon Favreau (director of “Iron Man”), plays D-Bob, who tutors Rudy to help him pass his classes and eventually becomes his best friend. Vince Vaughn (billed as Vincent Vaughn) plays Jamie O’Hara, one of the few people who aren’t 100% behind Rudy at first.

All in all, a good movie and a worthy addition to your list of the 10 greatest sports movies of all time.


No. 10: ‘Chariots of Fire’

