
Letters: Where will Arte Moreno go?

If Arte Moreno ever did decided to move the Angels out of Anaheim, where would the team go?
(Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)

After reading about Arte “I have the means to move the team elsewhere” Moreno and the lease negotiations with the city of Anaheim, it sure makes me glad I’m a Dodgers fan. It would seem the one angle Mr. Moreno has forgotten about is the fans. You know, the ones who give him 3-million-plus attendance every year, while all they’ve gotten from him is a lousy, overpriced team and lower beer prices 10 years ago.

There once was a time he was an owner to be admired, but now at least when it comes to Angel Red, maybe we are seeing his true colors.

David Parsons



If Arte Moreno can’t make a deal with Anaheim to keep the Angels there, I bet the proposed stadium sites in the City of Industry and downtown L.A. would love to have him, especially since the NFL seems to now have little interest in either location.


Dan Rendant



So Angels management is undecided whether to fix up their old ballpark or build a new one.

Seems to me the same dilemma applies to the team.

Ron Reeve


Grand choice

In honor of the Grand Marshal, I propose that the 2014 Rose Parade be renamed The Vin Scully Marching and Chowder Society.

Mike Eberts

Los Angeles


I have just one question about the selection of Vin Scully as Rose Parade Grand Marshal: What took them so long?

Mike Barclay


Choose or lose?

Mike Gundy at Oklahoma State uses two quarterbacks and is called innovative. Steve Spurrier at South Carolina uses two quarterbacks and is called brilliant. Lane Kiffin uses two quarterbacks and is called indecisive.


Tough house.

Jack Shakely

Rancho Mirage


Pat Haden, repeat the same bold imaginative selection for the next Trojans head football position as you did in picking Andy Enfield for basketball. Make reservations for Bismarck, N.D., and get back-to-back national championship coach Craig Bohl. Watching the North Dakota State Bison come back from 21-7 deficit to defeat Big 12 champion Kansas State, with 20 more scholarships, was inspirational.

Wayne Livdahl

Los Angeles


After watching the USC-Hawaii game again and again, I have come to the conclusion that ‘SC’s offensive linemen are just plain deficient. If we keep losing out on linemen to places like Stanford and now UCLA, our only chance to make this line better than average is with superior coaching. A prime example of what superior coaching can do with a poor team is what Jim Mora did with UCLA last year.

Another obvious fact that stands out is that the Trojans were not ready to play at the outset of the game, much like at the Sun Bowl. How can you possibly not be ready to play? As a coach, Lane Kiffin is much like our O line — tries like heck but when you ain’t got it, you ain’t got it.


George Sapien

La Verne

Park it

It’s nice to see the UCLA football team get off to such a good start. Now only if parking would not cost more than a general admission ticket: $25 to park is stealing!

Mike Stack

West Covina

Kickoff time

Thanks for Ken Bensinger’s article on how the NFL is continuing to dodge its lack of admitting fault with the multitude of lawsuits, but in the case of Deion Sanders, his partaking is a sham. “Prime Time” loves to smile on camera and if he does have traumatic stress as a result of playing football he should be covering his eyes and looking away when he holds his hand out to receive payment for his TV work.

Lou Soto

Trabuco Canyon


Sam Farmer has a lot of information and insight to convey about the NFL teams and individual players. However, his ability to predict winning teams is nonexistent. Last year, per the Sept. 5 article, Sam was .502 against the spread. This is what’s commonly called a coin toss.

Ray Uhler

Rancho Santa Margarita

L.O. and goodbye?

Bill Dwyre suggests we not write off Lamar Odom after his most recent misstep. It’s amazing to me the way Lamar being a “nice guy” and a person who has experienced tragedy in his life (haven’t we all?) gets him a pass. In fact, Lamar has taken his wealth of God-given gifts and parlayed them into a decent career, which in recent years has taken a nose dive. He was traded by the Lakers in order to upgrade the team and prepare for the post-Kobe era (Chris Paul) and perhaps because he had brought the Kardashian circus into the sanctity of Lakerdom. He responded by sulking, gaining weight, going into a funk and ultimately putting the lives of innocent people at risk.

Lamar may still be able to help an NBA team, but he’s lost me (and probably many others) as a supporter.

Frank Shapiro



Bill Dwyre’s heartfelt support for Lamar Odom was compelling. But if Odom wants another chance with the Clippers, he’ll need to contact the guy in charge of team personnel, the guy who got Vinny Del Negro fired and Doc Rivers hired: Chris Paul.


David Macaray

Rowland Heights


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