
LAUSD Board of Education approves resolution to improve, develop athletic facilities

Baseballs are seen on the backyard dirt around a home plate.
The Board of Education approved a resolution Tuesday to use money from Measure RR to upgrade, modernize and develop athletic facilities at high schools across the district.
(Christian Petersen / Getty Images)

Coaches and principals in the Los Angeles Unified School District, get your sports wish lists together. The Board of Education approved a resolution Tuesday to use money from Measure RR to upgrade, modernize and develop athletic facilities at high schools across the district.

The measure was approved by voters this year and provides $7 billion to update school facilities.

District staff have been directed to return in 90 days with a plan for selecting and funding projects.


Roosevelt High baseball coach Ray Ruiz put out a note that his school hopes an expansion of the football field and upgrade of baseball and softball fields will take place after a building comes down at the school in 2023.

“Athletics are very important to our school program and many of our students participate in different sports throughout the school year, some on multiple teams. This investment will be worth every penny,” said Roosevelt Principal Ben Gertner.


All-weather football/soccer fields are lacking at many LAUSD high schools. Some schools still have gymnasiums that were built during the 1950s, when there were far fewer teams.
