
Season Interrupted: Angelina DeVoe is cooking up big plans

Throughout the spring, The Times will interview high school seniors whose athletic careers were cut short by the coronavirus outbreak.

Name: Angelina DeVoe

School: Wilmington Banning

Sport: Softball, pitcher-outfielder

Key stats: Was hitting .500 and had a 2.47 ERA when the season was canceled

Fall plans: Will attend Central Florida

On the abrupt end to the season:
“I didn’t know there would be something this big to stop the season like this. I was sad, but I had to deal with it. It is what it is. For my family, we all play sports. We like to watch sports. It’s just been crazy. At home, we try to stay busy.”

How her life has changed:
“I was either at school or participating in sports. Without that, I feel there’s kind of an empty space.”


What she’s discovered with her new free time:
“I’ve been learning how to cook. My mom is teaching me. I like to bake. The best thing I’ve made is chicken enchiladas.”

Her high school highlight:
“My junior season we ended up winning the Marine League championship and went undefeated, which has never been done in Banning history.”

On her decision to go east for college:
“When I think about Central Florida, I think how far it is, but I know it will give me the opportunity to grow as a person. I’m going to have to be more independent.”


What she misses most about sports:
“The games. I like to compete. I miss practicing with my teammates and playing against girls that I’ve been playing with all my life.”

Where she sees herself in 10 years:
“Hopefully using what I learned in college to get a steady job. I’m in the fire academy at my school and hope to be a firefighter trying to save lives.”

Video interviews of each athlete can be found at
