FBI Most Wanted Narco-terrorist who rose from LA streets to run MS-13 apprehended quietly in San Diego area
Federal authorities in Los Angeles charged 23 suspected members and associates of the MS-13 gang, alleging that one of the group’s leaders in California is a powerful Mexican Mafia figure who controls local drug sales.
He thought he was going to meet a woman he’d been messaging online. But Bryan Cojon Tuyuc drove into a trap set up by the street gang MS-13, detectives say.
Three members of the MS-13 gang were found guilty Thursday of murdering a girl in 2001 on a hillside in Elysian Park.
The attacks demonstrate that MS-13 gangs continue to hold the poorest and most marginalized who live and work in the neighborhood in their grip.
Federal prosecutors expanded a case against the MS-13 gang, securing an indictment that charges nine new defendants and implicates the gang in four murders.
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An MS-13 gang member has been charged with assaulting a transgender woman in MacArthur Park, the latest in a string of troubling incidents involving the gang and the LGBTQ community.
Three people were slain within the blighted rooms of the MS-13 destroyer on Rampart Boulevard in 2017 and 2018, authorities said.
Nelson “Mula” Flores, who authorities say is one of MS-13’s most influential members outside El Salvador, is taken into U.S. custody.