Archaeologist Lynneth S. Lowe and two workers unearth remains in a tomb at Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico, discovered by a team led by archaeologist Bruce Bachand. (Bruce R. Bachand / ©National Geographic)
Jade and red pigment in the mouth of the Chiapa de Corzo’s primary occupant, a middle- to old-aged male from the highest social echelon. (Bruce R. Bachand / ©National Geographic)
Archaeologist Lynneth S. Lowe and a worker clean the skull of the tomb’s main occupant, thought to be a male elite. (Bruce R. Bachand / ©National Geographic)
Skeleton of a high-status individual, possibly a female, found on the landing next to the tomb at Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico. (Bruce R. Bachand / ©National Geographic)
Excavation of the tomb by night. Archaeologists labored for 32 hours to document and remove the remains of the tomb’s principal occupant. (Bruce R. Bachand / ©National Geographic)