Tom Kington
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Tom Kington is a special correspondent.
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Italy, where the coronavirus first appeared outside China and ravaged the country’s north, is experiencing yet another wave of serious COVID-19 cases.
‘Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God,’ Pope Francis says in departure from previous pontiffs but in keeping with his own more tolerant views.
Italy has eased out of its strict coronavirus lockdown and has returned to a semblance of normality without -- so far -- a major, secondary flare-up.
Un chico de 15 años que ayudó a difundir la enseñanza católica romana en línea es un buen candidato para convertirse en el santo patrón de Internet, dice el Vaticano.
A 15-year-old boy who helped spread Roman Catholic teaching online is a good candidate to become patron saint of the internet, the Vatican says.
Neither its stout walls nor its army of Swiss Guards has been able to stop a modern-day plague of coronavirus from creeping into the Vatican.
Cuando la noticia del inminente cierre del coronavirus se filtró a los medios de comunicación italianos, la gente se apiñó en trenes y autobuses para salir
El contenido podría ayudar a resolver la cuestión de si Pío debe ser recordado por esconder silenciosamente a 4,000 judíos de los nazis o si debe ser condenado por no hablar de los judíos que fueron gaseados
As news of the looming coronavirus lockdown leaked to Italian media, people crowded onto trains and buses to leave the extended quarantine area.
Normally packed landmarks such as the Trevi Foundation and the Spanish Steps are all but desolate as Italy battles a coronavirus outbreak.