Richard Read
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Richard Read was the Los Angeles Times bureau chief in Seattle, covering Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Alaska and Hawaii. A former Tokyo-based foreign correspondent, he won a Pulitzer Prize for a series that explained the Asian financial crisis by following a container of French fries from a Northwest farm to a Singapore McDonald’s. He served on a team that won the Pulitzer for Public Service for exposing U.S. immigration agency abuses. Born in Scotland and raised in Boston, he has reported from all seven continents. He retired in 2021.
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Oregon once boasted that it had fewer hospital beds per capita than any other state. Then came the Delta variant.
Los nativos americanos suelen vivir lejos de los centros sanitarios y desconfían de las autoridades federales. Aun así, se están vacunando contra el COVID-19.
Native Americans often live far from healthcare facilities and distrust federal authorities. Still, they’re getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
Muchos líderes están profundamente frustrados con la forma en que la política ha infectado la campaña para inocular suficientes estadounidenses a fin de eliminar el COVID-19.
Many leaders are deeply frustrated with the way politics has infected the campaign to inoculate enough Americans to wipe out COVID-19.
El proyecto nacional para frenar la propagación del COVID-19 se ha estancado al encontrar resistencia a la vacunación en amplias zonas del conservador Sur y del Medio Oeste del país.
The national project to stem the spread of COVID-19 has stalled as it meets resistance to vaccinations in large parts of the conservative South and Midwest.
Idaho biologists are trucking Snake River sockeye upriver this summer, trying to save them from record-breaking Northwest heat.
Point Roberts, Wash., long prospered as an appendage of Canada. But pandemic restrictions cut it off from civilization.
The COVID-19 death toll on Kauai is two. But Hawaii’s outermost main island is struggling economically.