
Letters to the Editor: Joe Biden’s quiet campaign raises questions about his fitness for the job

To the editor: Where is Joe Biden? (“Joe Biden is stuck in his basement. It just might help him win,” April 5)

The former vice president is campaigning by being largely silent. Absent an explanation for this, we have to resort to our imaginations for an answer.

Does he not have any new ideas on how to handle the coronavirus crisis? Is he afraid that if spoke like a presidential candidate, he’d “let the cat out of the bag” and everyone would see he has nothing worthwhile to say?


Or, are we to assume that Biden really does have good solutions but prefers to keep them to himself?

Not everyone ages well. Biden is 77 years old. Is he up to being a presidential jet-setter? Can he jump from meeting to meeting while juggling several complex issues at once? Is Biden remaining in the shadows because public exposure would raise more questions about whether he’s up to the demands of the presidency?

Better start talking, Mr. Vice President. Get out where we can see and hear you. Your continued silence will be interpreted as an admission that these negative inferences are true.


Bill Gravlin, Rancho Palos Verdes
