
Letters to the Editor: The high desert needed a freeway. Shame on the ideologues who killed it

Highway 138
Trucks and vehicles make their way along the two-lane Highway 138 between the 5 Freeway and Lancaster in 2018.
(Al Seib / Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Your triumphant editorial celebrating the demise of plans to build a new freeway in the high desert between Palmdale and Apple Valley reminds me how out of touch the L.A. Times Editorial Board is with most L.A. County residents.

Killing the Los Angeles bypass across the high desert will only lead to more pollution in the Santa Clarita, San Fernando and San Gabriel valleys, plus more pollution in the L.A. Basin and Inland Empire.

Truck traffic must now come south on the 5 Freeway and then move east using the 210, 10 or 60 Freeways. With the High Desert Corridor in place, trucks could have moved quickly and much more efficiently by avoiding much of Los Angeles altogether.


The High Desert Corridor would have eased congestion, reduced pollution and resulted in fewer crashes involving big rigs.

Ken Keller, Valencia


To the editor: Anyone who travels between Palmdale and Apple Valley is aware that a high percentage of the traffic comprises big rigs delivering goods to the Walmarts, Home Depots and supermarkets of the high desert.

Now, wouldn’t a better roadway help move goods between these communities in less time and result in less exhaust emission? Wouldn’t this corridor have helped pave the way for future electric driverless trucks? A likely result could have been more jobs and increased affordable housing.


As to be expected, the elites are at it again, thwarting economic efficiency in the name of fighting a war against fossil fuels. And for what? Dashing the benefits of this proposed roadway to instead squander taxpayer dollars on things like bike lanes across the high desert?

Vic Miranda, Agoura Hills
