
Letters to the Editor: Adam Schiff’s sense of justice is guiding us through Trump’s presidency

Rep. Adam Schiff at a news conference on Capitol Hill.
Rep. Adam Schiff at a news conference on Capitol Hill.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: I have always been a fan of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) and think he would make a good president. With his keen intelligence and sense of justice, he has been like a star guiding us through the dark days of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Now he has taken center stage in the impeachment proceedings and, as such, seems to be the main target of Trump’s ire.

Though I have wished he would run for president, Schiff is actually providing a more valuable service for the American public right now in his role as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.


Lynn Lorenz, Newport Beach


To the editor: Trump has always given the people he competes against or dislikes insulting names: Shifty Schiff, Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas and so on.

The people at whom he directs these names do not normally come back at Trump using this tactic. They try to use facts and not silly names against him.

But I know a name we may soon be able to use against Trump that will make him crazy: “Ex-President Trump.”


Stephen Mirkin, North Hollywood


To the editor: As your paper and the rest of the left-wing media report that the formal impeachment inquiry by the “House” is continuing, readers should know that it is not the House of Representatives that is wasting its time and money.

It is, more precisely, the House Democrats who have opened this charade of a formal inquiry without actually following the normal protocol of passing a resolution. They are doing this knowing it handcuffs the Republicans from participating in the process. It also gives the appearance that the entire body has actually started the impeachment process.

You’ll notice that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) has not called for a vote. Yet, she and her media allies keep calling this a House inquiry. Why?


Rick Solomon, Lake Balboa


To the editor: The president has suggested that Schiff should be arrested for treason. The president has called the Ukraine whistleblower a spy and has put a target on his back, even hinting he ought to be executed.

And Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accuses Congress of bullying and intimidation?

Are the president’s men so blind to what he says and does? The president reportedly proposed a gator and snake-filled moat to fortify the U.S.-Mexico border. Was he serious about that?

And now, the president claims that he is the one being bullied?

Alba Farfaglia, San Clemente
