
Letters to the Editor: How the L.A. Times proved Dennis Prager’s point on liberal intolerance

Dennis Prager
Radio show host Dennis Prager in 2013.
(Los Angeles Times)
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To the editor: One of conservative radio host Dennis Prager’s themes is that the left simply can’t tolerate expressions of differing views and vigorously works to shout them down or exclude them from the public forum lest they infect the populace. (“How a Los Angeles-based conservative became one of the internet’s biggest sensations,” Aug. 23)

The L.A. Times’ front-page subheadline accusing Prager University of “indoctrination” is both risible and exemplary of this tactic, particularly when The Times concedes that much of the organization’s commentary is on non-political subjects.

How ironic that a news source that almost daily champions “diversity” objects to it when conservatives are exercising their 1st Amendment freedoms. Moreover, to rubber stamp in your subheadline the skewed characterization of Prager by a so-called progressive reveals much about The Times’ bias and its inability to recognize it.


The Ministry of Truth would be proud.

Gene Erbstoesser, Long Beach


To the editor: Prager claims that the goal of Prager University is to make the case for a “God-based moral code,” and that he is less interested in the “contemporary political scene.” I care deeply about living in a moral society, and for that reason I am a political progressive. Morality cannot be separated from the “contemporary political scene.”

It is a sin to take small children from their parents and force them to live without access to soap, clean clothes or adequate medical care. My responsibility as a citizen in a democracy is to voice opposition to policies that are immoral.

Prager has lost his moral compass and is allowing himself to be used by the alt-right. He is blinded by his own specious argument that moral issues are separate from political events.


As a progressive, I support rational solutions for creating a world where all children can enjoy the life they deserve, and I will continue to oppose immoral behavior by our government and others.

Carol Kearns, Downey


To the editor: Years ago I listened to Prager’s radio show “Religion on the Line.” Later, he appeared on more politically conservative radio shows.

One day, when he uttered a provable falsehood to bolster his position that liberals are evil, I turned the dial and never turned it back.


I am not surprised to discover he is currently financed by some of the most repugnant right wing elements in our country, yet he pompously claims Prager University exists to give “wisdom.” In order to do this, his organization’s online videos state historical and scientific falsehoods and demonize those who disagree.

I suppose he believes the ends justify the means, but I find his “wisdom” fleeting at best.

Tom Brayton, Long Beach


To the editor: This article states that Prager University’s videos “are becoming a staple on college campuses,” and it quotes someone who calls them a “sophisticated campaign to indoctrinate young people.”

As if college campuses haven’t been bastions of liberal indoctrination of young people since the 1970s!

Jim Toomey, Reseda
