
Opinion: Trump’s presidency will produce short-term gains, long-term damage

Supporters of President Trump applaud as he speaks at a rally in Huntsville, Ala., on Sept. 22.
Supporters of President Trump applaud as he speaks at a rally in Huntsville, Ala., on Sept. 22.
(Evan Vucci / AP)

To the editor: I appreciated Steve Lopez’s column describing his conversation with a supporter of President Trump. We need respectful dialogue and I gained a perspective into the man’s reasons for seeing Trump’s agenda as positive. (“Even in California, some people think Trump is doing just fine as president,” Oct. 7)

However, I also felt that his views rested solely on immediate short-term economic benefits that are largely due to optimism that the Trump administration is business-friendly. I tend to think that constructive foreign policies, coherent healthcare, forward-thinking clean-energy policies, and support of science, education and the environment will benefit all aspects of our lives, now and in the future.

There is more to “peace and prosperity” than a temporarily soaring stock market.

Mary Clumeck, Santa Ana

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