
Readers React: Prop. 6 backers are right about misspent gas tax revenue — but the measure should still be defeated

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To the editor: As the editorial on Proposition 6 notes, California voters approved Proposition 5 in 1974, allowing the use of fuel excise tax revenue for building and maintaining public transit. It seemed appropriate at the time when highways were new and mass transit was almost nonexistent.

However, the situation today is different. The highways today are still the primary and essentially only mode of transportation within California, and they are in deplorable condition.

The use of the fuel tax is a logical source of revenue for their repair and improvement as it is sourced from those using the highways. Spending the money on non-highway projects when the revenue is not sufficient even for maintenance is wrong.


However, the 12-cent gas tax increase must not be nullified. Proposition 6 must not succeed. We need the funds now. With electric vehicles, the highways will be essential to transportation for generations to come. They must be maintained as long as wheeled transport is required.

The gas tax revenue is required for maintenance now. Optimizing the legislation can come later.

Richard Rigney, Long Beach

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