
Readers React: ‘Obama Boulevard’ is a well-deserved honor for the scandal-free president

To the editor: As one who was raised in the Baldwin Hills section of Los Angeles, I was thrilled to see that Rodeo Road has been renamed Obama Boulevard in honor of the first African American president, whose eight years in office were marked by decorum, civility and the passage of important legislative initiatives such as the Affordable Care Act.

This is in contrast to the continually vulgar behavior of his successor, President Trump, who the Washington Post reports has uttered about 10,000 false or misleading statements in the short time he has been in the White House.

During my years in the Baldwin Hills, I had the pleasure of attending Dorsey High School. Not only was it a great school both in terms of academics and athletics, but it was naturally integrated and thus I had the great privilege of having many African Americans and Asians in my classes.


Ah yes, the times are changing, and the latest honor to go to the chief executive who was a model of honesty and clarity is well deserved.

Donald L. Singer, Redlands


To the editor: In the article regarding the renaming of Rodeo Road to Obama Boulevard, it is reported that political analyst and author Earl Ofari Hutchinson “hopes that the name change will inspire investment in the community beyond Saturday’s festivities.”

This is quite ironic. Obama was apparently unable to inspire investment in the community during his eight years, but now there is an “opportunity zone” adjacent to Obama Boulevard as the result of the work done by Housing and Urban Affairs Secretary Ben Carson and President Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.


Gary Rubenstein, Los Angeles

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