
Hey, House Republicans, why not investigate Melania Trump for plagiarism?

To the editor: The explanation for why portions of Melania Trump’s speech delivered at Monday night’s Republican National Convention bore such a striking resemblance to the speech delivered eight years prior by Michelle Obama is so obvious.

With some assistance from the fictional Doc Brown, Michelle Obama must have traveled forward in time and it was she who actually plagiarized the speech given by Melania Trump, not the other way around.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Vista) should to convene a congressional investigation to locate the secret parking location of the DeLorean.


John Trask, Thousand Oaks


To the editor: As a lifelong Democrat, I have to ask the following question, since the Republican Party bills itself as the law-and-order party.

Do you think that Rep. Paul Ryan, the Republican speaker of the House, will ask the FBI to investigate “Crooked” Melania Trump for plagiarism?

David M. Galfold, Palmdale


To the editor: I heard excerpts from Melania Trump’s and Michelle Obama’s speeches played, one after the other. While it is likely true that each of them were taught to work hard, keep your word, respect others, those are all the usual core values taught by parents to children.


Given that Melania Trump probably did not write her own speech, her speechwriter’s parents apparently missed “thou shalt not steal.”

Michele Hart-Rico, Los Angeles


To the editor: Melania Trump, in her dull, prosaic, unremarkable speech on the opening night of the Republican National Convention, announced that her husband “intends to represent all the people, not just some of the people,” enumerating “all” as consisting of “Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hispanics, African Americans, Asians, the poor, and the middle class.”

She pointedly left out the LGBT community, the one group to which the GOP party platform is overtly, proudly hostile, the sole and exclusive group of its fellow citizens whose rights and newly attained status of equality the party loftily states its intention to rescind and reverse.


Why, oh why is there any such thing as a Republican gay person?

Bruce Burroughs, Sherman Oaks

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