
Fox News needs to stop presenting its female journalists as ‘eye candy’

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To the editor: Appearance matters. When there is significant disparity in dress between males and females, it sends strong signals about their roles on camera: Men are “all business” and women are “eye candy.” (“Fox News may have just opened itself up to more lawsuits with Roger Ailes’ resignation,” July 26)

One reason I do not watch Fox News is because it is apparent to me that women are not respected. When journalist Megyn Kelly finally got an interview with Republican nominee Donald Trump, she was not attired in a outfit that projected a professionalism on par with Trump. She reverted to dressing in a way that made her “eye candy.” The soft content of her interview confirmed this impression.

So, it is no surprise that women at Fox News may have endured decades of sexual harassment; why would women be treated with more respect off camera than on camera?


When women wear clothes that are feminine but comparable to their male counterparts, they will project an image of competent, serious career women.

Catherine C. Cate, Irvine

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