
Readers React: The Orwellian idea that the DWP ‘delivers’ water to the eastern Sierra

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To the editor: The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power’s description of its proposal for eastern Sierra water is that it may have to “reduce deliveries” to ranchland.

In twisted wording that Orwell would be proud of, this leaves the impression that DWP somehow “delivers” water to the Sierras, when in reality Los Angeles takes water from that region. Rather than saying the DWP is going to “reduce deliveries,” why don’t we just describe it the way it really is: The agency simply wants to take a greater portion of that area’s water.

The stated reason is climate change, but planners in Southern California cannot seem to confront the notion that limited water and unlimited growth can’t coexist. If Los Angeles were to truly confront the reality of climate change, it would stop enabling the growth mania that seems to infect nearly everyone in city government.


It’s not just Los Angeles; the entire Southwest faces severe water limitations. Governments in this area must face reality and figure out a sustainable future without having to rob others of their God-given water.

Joan Niertit, Downey


To the editor: The meadows east of the Sierra Nevada flooded on their own for centuries. The DWP has interrupted that for more than 100 years, allowing for only some flooding.

Please do not make pronouncements about needing to adapt when you do not know the close up, ecological story in its fullness. I’ve benefited all my life from water taken from the Sierra Nevada. I have witnessed firsthand the devastation being visited upon a region whose water rights were spuriously taken more than a century ago.


Mitigating for climate change in that area of our state means, in part, keeping water at its source.

Julie Roberts-Fronk, Pomona

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