
Memo to Donald Trump: A ‘great’ America supports its NATO allies

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
(Chuck Burton / Associated Press)

To the editor: I fail to understand how Donald Trump has received the nomination of a party whose members he is blatantly betraying. By threatening to limit or even deny support to our allies in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization , he is going against the time-honored principle of the Republican Party to foster a strong presence of the United States in the world.(“Trump’s campaign chair says a President Trump wouldn’t renege on NATO treaty if Russia attacks allies,” July 21)

Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are still struggling to rebound after 50 years of Soviet occupation. Cut them some slack if they can’t pay the alliance in full.

They’re fulfilling all other NATO obligations by sending troops wherever they’re needed, including Afghanistan.


A country without honor can never be “great.” America is great, and we’d like to stay that way by honoring our commitments.

Marija Navickas, Westlake Village


To the editor: With Trump’s calls to scrap U.S. trade agreements and treaties, his demand to put “America first” and the clear antipathy toward him among our friends and allies abroad, it would appear that this election will determine whether the next leader of the free world will be Hillary Clinton or Angela Merkel.

John Hamilton Scott, Sherman Oaks


To the editor: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) dismisses Trump’s indications that he won’t back NATO alliances by tweeting, “I am willing to kind of chalk it up to a rookie mistake.”


Really? The Senate majority leader is willing to “kind of” have a rookie as president of the United States?

To “make America safe again,” how many rookie mistakes are we willing to gamble?

Bridget Tucker, San Bernardino

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