
Readers React: What readers are thankful for

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To the editor: How refreshing to read your editorial about gratitude and how many events this last year that we could be grateful for. (“Sriracha, a water bond and other things for which we’re thankful,” Editorial, Nov. 26)

The materialism and madness of Black Friday — and this year, we have “Gray Thursday” included in this madness — and the insanity of football obscures the remembrance of the first Thanksgiving and acknowledgment of reasons to be grateful in our own lives.

Of course, the usual complaints from those who spend so much time and energy whining about everything makes one wonder if some people are able to express gratitude for anything. My suggestion is to ignore them and to revel in the warm feeling that true gratitude brings.


Cathy Dowling, La Mesa


To the editor: The list of 20 things for which your editorial board is thankful prompted me to express my gratitude.

This is not to say I concur with The Times’ every editorial sentiment. Still, I remain most thankful for having access to a daily newspaper that consistently provides accurate, thorough and impartial news reports along with well expressed (if not always persuasive) opinions.

Having read many major American cities’ newspapers during recent travels, I well know that first-rate dailies have all but vanished. That lamentable trend makes me all the more grateful for everything you Times folks do. Please keep up the good work.


Ed Alston, Santa Maria


To the editor: So earnest and searching is your attitude of gratitude that you found space and time to be grateful for Sushi chefs and bartenders who work without gloves in our state.

But you are apparently indifferent to the men and women who, as we speak, eat cold C-rations in some dangerous part of the globe while we enjoy the benefits of their protection.

Robert D. Robinson, Azusa


To the editor: The Times’ Thanksgiving editorial gives thanks for the three-foot rule governing motorists passing bicyclists.


I’m giving thanks for something I witnessed recently: A cyclist in full riding regalia actually stopped at a stop sign. I guess there is a first time for everything.

Victor Fera, Tarzana

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