
Letters: Ted Cruz scrambles ‘Green Eggs’

Re “Dr. Seuss goes to Washington,” Opinion, Sept. 27

As a librarian I find it ironic that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) would choose to read Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” in his faux filibuster against Obamacare. The lesson of the book is that one has to be open to trying new things, as Peter Dreier notes in his Op-Ed article.

All of Dr. Seuss’ books have a moral. “The Lorax” reminds us that we must all take care of the vulnerable. “The Butter Battle Book” warns us about allowing bullies to flourish.

Few know the author’s background. Theodore Geisel (his real name) experienced prejudice during World War I as a boy because his parents spoke German. As an adult, he used his gifts to fight against narrow-mindedness and fight for the underdog.


The good news is that from Cruz’s actions, millions of Americans may now read Dr. Seuss’ classic works and become aware of their real meanings.

Patricia Lofthouse

Park Ridge, Ill.

Now that Dreier has spilled the beans on what a lefty liberal Dr. Seuss was, how long will it be before the radical right starts its campaign to defame his books? Fox News and the rest of the echo chamber will be all over this, and their loyal listeners will soon take Dr. Seuss off their children’s shelves.

Watch out, preschools, they’ll be looking at your shelves too.

Bill Say

Simi Valley


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