
Readers React: Rick Perry is shocked -- shocked! -- by dirty politics in Texas

To the editor: The hypocrisy displayed by Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s complaint about “partisan persecution” over his felony indictment is ludicrous, particularly in light of the fact that his own party is using those exact “partisan theatrics” (Perry’s term) to threaten the president. (“Texas Gov. Rick Perry, others cry partisan foul over felony indictment,” Aug. 16)

And his statement, “I intend to fight against those who would erode our state’s constitution … purely for political purposes,” displays a remarkably hubristic double standard: It’s perfectly acceptable to use ethically questionable political tactics to malign someone, except when it’s Republicans. Was the grand jury composed of only Democrats?

Travis County Dist. Atty. Rosemary Lehmberg, the target of Perry’s questionable veto, was convicted for drunk driving, paid her dues and apologized. How does this correlate with Perry’s decision to veto funding for her department? Furthermore, did Jeb Bush realize the comic absurdity of his statement that the indictment is “politically motivated and ridiculous”?


They cannot be serious — can they?

Rebecca Hertsgaard, Palm Desert


To the editor: I am just as shocked as Perry that partisan politics have a role in this day and age, especially in the great state of Texas.

It seems to me that his opponents, mainly elected Democratic officials in Travis County, have learned their bully tactics from the best. Over the last few decades, we have seen Republican politicians in Texas run roughshod over their political opponents.

Homer Alba, Glendale
