
Readers React: The big utilities are coming after solar users. Again.

To the editor: To absolutely nobody’s surprise, the big three investor-owned utilities in California are once again storming the gates of the Public Utilities Commission over its recent decision to stay the course on net metering for solar users. These guys just never give up. The ink isn’t even dry on the commission’s decision, and the appeals have already been filed. (“Southern California Edison, 2 other utilities urge PUC to vacate or modify solar ‘net metering’ decision,” March 8)

Dear utilities: Solar is here to stay. Get used to it. And, by the way, spare us the sob stories about protecting the poorer ratepayers who don’t have solar from those “rich” ratepayers who can afford it. You are not fooling anyone. This is all about killing solar to protect your outdated business model, not class warfare.

It is a shame that those of us who try to do the right thing by going solar have to be vigilant against attacks from our electric utilities.


Jon Rowe, Costa Mesa

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