
Letters: Pivoting from the Mideast

Re “The U.S.-Israel rift that isn’t,” Opinion, Dec. 24

There is an old prayer: “God protect me from my friends, and I will protect myself from my enemies.” That’s the way it is with the U.S.-Israel friendship.

In the last U.S. election, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu openly supported Republican Mitt Romney. And though Romney has moved on, Netanyahu apparently hasn’t.

It is in our country’s interest to achieve a reasonable agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, which may not necessarily be on the terms that Netanyahu wants. It’s also in our interest to “pivot” away from the Mideast and toward the Pacific.


The claim that both countries have common values of democracy and human rights is a stretch. I hope the U.S. never treats a people the way Israel treats the Palestinians.

Donna Handy

Santa Barbara


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