
Letters: Different views of Sheriff Baca

Re “‘Friends of the sheriff,’” Dec. 19

I honor your commitment to exposing corruption and abuse of any sort. But I believe there is another side of L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca that needs to be recognized.

Baca has given considerable attention over the years to promoting religious and ethnic dialogue and harmony through numerous events dedicated to bringing communities together.

I have participated in a number of such meetings and have been moved and impressed by Baca’s encouragement of religious and community leaders to be involved in bringing education to jail inmates, addressing disaster preparedness in L.A. County and promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding.


Era Thompson

South Pasadena

As an “outsider” living in San Diego, I am bewildered as to why Baca keeps getting reelected. An endless litany of controversies, investigations, subpoenas and more, and still he is there.

It sometimes feels as if Los Angeles is one of those counties in the old South run by the good ‘ol boys immune from responsibility and prosecution. Is Baca the best L.A. County can come up with?

Isaac Hirschbein

La Mesa

A jail abuse investigation, the hiring of officers despite prior serious misconduct and now, “friends of the sheriff.”


With Baca running for a fifth term, I hope an opposing candidate from outside the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department can prevent these breaches of public confidence from occurring again.

Stuart Weiss

Los Angeles


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