
Letters: What about the snow leopard?

Re “Looting on a grand scale,” Dec. 12

I find it strange and troubling that no one involved in the case of a La Habra Heights mansion that was looted by teenagers after a party seems concerned with the fact that the wealthy owners of the mansion had a stuffed snow leopard in their house.

Snow leopards are one of the most endangered animals on this planet. It is truly despicable that these people would use this beautiful creature as a stuffed decoration or conversation piece.

The article states that the mounted snow leopard is worth $250,000. As far as I’m concerned, the real looters in this story are the owners of the mansion.


Amy Veloz

Lake Balboa

Your article quotes Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca as saying, “The question is how are we going to pay back the owner for the loss?”

“We” — and is he talking about the taxpayers or the Sheriff’s Department? — don’t have to pay the owner. The parents of the rotten teenagers who caused at least $1 million in damage should be held liable.

And by the way: A $1-million theft and destruction of property isn’t a misdemeanor, it’s a felony.


Abraham Hoffman

Canoga Park


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