
Letters: Bags, blowing in the wind

Re “Ban plastic bags, statewide,” Editorial, Feb. 20

Living in the high desert, where we have only three seasons — hot and windy, cold and windy, and windy — we have a unique outlook on these single-use plastic bags. Second only to tumbleweeds, these bags are the largest contributors to trash in any windblown area. On my property Thursday, I picked up five bags.

Recycling these bags would help, but they are often left in the wind.

Requiring stores to provide either reusable or paper bags for purchase is not a cash cow for the retailers, but it would be a great step for removing eyesores in our communities.

Richard Rorex

Apple Valley

Every morning, come rain or come shine, my copy of The Times lies on the driveway, wrapped in one or two nice, dry plastic bags. No more soggy newspapers to drape over every chair in the house.


Now we read that The Times wants a statewide ban on plastic bags in supermarkets. Are newspaper wrappers next? If not, why?

Unless sea birds and marine life can read labels, they will choke on newspaper wrappers as well as supermarket bags.

Richard Stegemeier



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